Squirrels are funny and playful, but always keep in mind that they are wild animals. Watch and enjoy them, always approach them slowly and carefully and never try to grab or pick one up. Many will scratch or bite when they feel scared or threatened. If you see one in trouble, try to protect it from predators without touching it and call your local animal control.

To Infinity and Beyond!

My first time outside, since I found a new nest, was a little scary. I’m really not so good at walking on the flat ground yet. I’m much better at climbing, usually I do this to my new family. I run up and down their arms and legs and even though they are covered with scratches, they think it’s good practice for me.

I am still too little to be outside by myself, but Big Mama wants me to spend at least a bit of time every day getting used to the yard. Big Papa, Persimmon and Pecan don't like the idea, but they leave in the morning to forage, or as they call it to go to “work” and “school”. Big Mama and Peanut stay behind to take care of me.

The first time that they took me outside, my feet did not cooperate. I was so excited to hear familiar sounds, but I was REALLY worried that they were going to leave me so I kept jumping on Big Mama which really got her concerned.

I almost fell again so, needless to say, my first time outside my new nest was not a big success. Maybe we’ll try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cute little imp! I was just sharing your photos with my mom - we were both going "Awwwww...";-) I'm sure he's going to keep you busy! I hope he can readjust to the wild, and learn to enjoy the great outdoors again.
